Learning resources

AGEMI has created a set of learning resources which focus on different aspects of the gender-media-equality relationship. These are all openly accessible on the Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries course page, you just need to sign up.

We have adopted a thematic approach in developing these learning resources, so that different units address different inequality and intersectional issues. These include representation and stereotyping, employment and working conditions, access to decision-making and leadership positions, the implications of digitalization for media professions, harassment and abuse in the newsroom, feminist media activism and issues of governance and policy. 

Each unit contains a mix of short video lectures together with interviews with a range of media experts, activities and further resources. They also signpost you to the AGEMI Resources Bank of Good Practices.

Sign up to watch the thematic units:

  1. Introduction to AGEMI learning resources
  2. Issues in gender, representation and news
  3. Gender and the strategic use of language
  4. Gendered journalism cultures
  5. Women and leadership in media industries 
  6. Violence against women journalists 
  7. Gender+: intersectionality and the media
  8. Gendered dimensions of technological innovation in journalism
  9. In search of gender-sensitive media policies
  10. Advocating gender equality in and through the media - from the grassroots to transnational arenas

 The mini-lectures and associated interviews can also be accessed through the AGEMI YouTube channel.

How to use the learning resources

AGEMI enables an extremely flexible approach to teaching and learning and we suggest several ways in which you can use these resources.

  • If you are a journalist or a student, or an engaged citizen and want to know more about one or more topics, you can work through as many units as you like. By watching the video lectures, listening to interviews with experts, and reading the suggested materials, you can tailor an individual programme which responds to your own interests in order to build knowledge and awareness. 
  • All AGEMI materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. So, if you are a teacher, or an educator, you may want to integrate the AGEMI materials into your own educational course: you can either use the entire set of units to create a new course or select one or more units to supplement and enrich an existing course. If you do either of these, please provide the following credit:  

«We are grateful to AGEMI for allowing us to use the resources they have created – please see their website, www.agemi-eu.org for more information about the project». 

We would appreciate if you would let us know if you use our resources in either of these ways by sending a short note to us at: agemi.eu@gmail.com so we get a sense of how the materials are being used by teachers and educators.

  • If you are a media company or an institution or a civil society organization interested in gender, media and communication issues, why not contact the AGEMI team (agemi.eu@gmail.com) to explore how ad hoc training activities, such as seminars or workshops, could be organized, either at your location or through virtual exchange technologies and platforms?

We welcome collaborations with other international projects and networks. Are you interested? Email us at: agemi.eu@gmail.com.

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 January 2020, 4:57 PM