AGEMI events

AGEMI has designed an outreach and dissemination strategy to ensure that the richness of the project gains maximum visibility with a diverse audience and reaches out to different stakeholder communities. 

Outreach and dissemination activities include meetings of media professionals and media organizations through the EFJ/IFJ and COPEAM transnational networks, as well as presenting at academic conferences and network meetings such as those of the UNESCO-promoted Global Alliance for Media and Gender (GAMAG) and the UNESCO University Network on Gender Media and ICTs (UNiTWIN). 


Activities and dissemination

July 2019, Madrid Spain - Several AGEMI-related activities are conducted in the context of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), including: a) a pre-conference titled 'Actualizing Section J from the Beijing Platform for Action' (July 5) to discuss what still needs to be achieved and/or transformed in relation to education, research and advocacy in the gender and media field; and to elaborate a joint position that will constitute a Platform for Action for the 21st century; b) a Special Session organized by the IAMCR Task Force for GAMAG (July 8) focused on 'The Beijing Platform for Action +25 and the 2030 Agenda'; and c) an AGEMI 'Hands-on workshop' (July 10), to explore the resources available on the AGEMI web platform to foster gender equality in the media and provide participants  a road-map to navigate the platform and rehearse possible scenarios of use for teaching, learning and advocacy.

July 2019, Paris France - Karen Ross presented AGEMI at the World Journalism Education Conference pre-conference organised by the Association of Journalism Education UK.  Maria Edström and Torbjorn Frankel presented a paper on the AGEMI Summer School and teaching mobile journalism, during the World Journalism Education Conference.

June 2019, Brussels, Belgium - Karen Ross attended the final EU project coordinators' meeting and was invited by the EC's Gender Equality Unit to present AGEMI as an example of good practice.

May 2019, Padua, Italy - Claudia Padovani presented the AGEMI project and resources in the context of a Workshop on Gender and Media issues attended by students from the University. The workshop included presentations by GIULIA journalists (AGEMI partner).

April 2019, Split Slovenia - AGEMI was presented in the framework of the 26th COPEAM annual Conference: Elena Chiaberge presented AGEMI in the Plenary Session of COPEAM Commissions: she also chairs the Gender Equality and Diversity Commission.


February 2019, Brussels, Belgium - formal launch of AGEMI platform and workshop on advancing gender equal media. The workshop discussed the challenges which remain in advancing gender equality in the media and included contributions from a range of speakers from EU institutions, women-focused NGOs and media professionals. It also considered some of the positive strategies which are being developed to respond to these long-standing issues. Read more here


November 2018, Lugano Switzerland – 7th European Communication Conference (ECC), themed on “Centres and Peripheries”: Karen Ross and Claudia Padovani presented papers on different aspects of AGEMI in a formally-constituted special panel they organised.

November 2018, Strasbourg, France – World Democracy Forum themed on “Gender Equality: Whose Battle?”: informal discussion of AGEMI by Karen Ross, including distribution of the AGEMI bookmark. 

October 2018, Montreal, Canada – McGill University, one day symposium on Networking Global Communication:  Claudia Padovani presented AGEMI as an innovative project and set of resources to put gender-responsive media policies on the international and national agenda.

September 2018, Florence, Italy – European University Institute, School of Transnational Governance, training seminar on gender and media: Claudia Padovani and Karen Ross presented papers on aspects of the AGEMI project in different sessions, including posting up web address and distributing AGEMI bookmarks.

June 2018, Glasgow, Scotland – Tackling Gendered Inequalities in Scottish News workshop: Karen Ross presented work on gender and media leadership and mentioned AGEMI as a good practice, including posting up web address and distributing AGEMI bookmarks.

May 2018, Prague, Czech Republic – Annual International Communication Association conference themed on “Voices”: informal presentation on the broad gender-media agenda by Karen Ross, with a mention of AGEMI as a good practice, including posting up web address and distributing AGEMI bookmarks.

May 2018, Mallorca – Annual conference of COPEAM: Elena Chiaberge presented AGEMI during a session.

May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark –  Launch of the Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023: an informal discussion by Karen Ross and follow-up email providing links to AGEMI website and to the google form on Good Practices for the Resources Bank. 

April 2018, San Jose, Costa Rica – UNESCO UNITWIN on Gender, Media and ICTs second meeting: Claudia Padovani gives a formal presentation for the Network members, followed by another presentation at the Public Forum on Gender Mainstreaming in Journalism and Communication Schools.

March 2018, New York, US – 62nd UN Commission on the Status of Women – in conjunction with the review theme Women, Media and ICT (Participation in and access of women to the media, and information and communications technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women), presentations are made about AGEMI by Claudia Padovani and Maria Edström at a range of different events. These include a side event, “The Holistic Gender and Media Agenda,” organised by UNESCO and GAMAG; a panel organised by the State of Malawi and Genderlinks (SA);  a panel on “Core Issues of the Women and Media agenda: Violence Against Women journalists, Gender Mainstreaming in Media and ICT Policy and Violence Against Women in Media and Digital Contents” organized by the Government of Mexico and GAMAG; two parallel panels within the CSW-NGO framework: i) Chapter J: Women and the Media – a Pending Agenda arranged by RIPVG Red Internacional De Periodistas Con Visión De Género (RIPVG) CIMAC, GAMAG, Red Internacional de Mujeres Periodistas y Comunicadoras de Catalunya (, Red Europea de Mujeres Periodistas (REMP), Red Nacional de Periodistas de México (RNP), Red Internacional de Periodistas con Visión de género en Argentina (RIPVG ar), Red Colombiana de Periodistas con Visión de Género, Feministic perspective (SE), and ii) Gender and Media: Policy Dimensions and a Research Agenda organized by IAMCR and GAMAG. 

December 2017, EFJ Steering Committee, Brussels, Belgium - Pamela Morinière presents an update on AGEMI.

November 2017, Brussels, Belgium - European Commission’s Third Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights: Women's Rights in Turbulent Times. Maria Edström is invited as a panelist for an impulse statement and gives a short presentation of AGEMI .

October 2017, EFJ steering committee meeting in Brussels, Belgium, where Pamela Morinière presents AGEMI.

September 2017, Padova, Italy – Annual Night of the Researchers with a formal presentation of AGEMI by Claudia Padovani, Karen Ross, Maria Edstrom together with Pamela Moriniere, Elena Chiaberge and Cristina Paulon. 

August 2017, Tampere, Finland - “Nordmedia Conference on Mediated Realities - Global Challenges.” Maria Edström participates in the panel “Media Scholars Facing Global Challenges – Advocators or Outsiders.”

July 2017, Cartagena, Colombia - International Association of Media and Communication Research. Claudia Padovani and Karen Ross give a formal presentation at the UNESCO-hosted panel titled Research, Knowledge and Action. 

April 2017, Barcelona, Spain – The first meeting of the UNESCO UNITWIN (University Twinning and Networking Project) Network on Gender, Media and ICTs. Claudia Padovani introduces AGEMI to the Network and in the context of a Public forum on Key Strategies for promoting gender equality in and through the media on a global scale through research and education.

March 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Spring meeting of the Euromedia Research Group, with an informal discussion led by Claudia Padovani.

Last modified: Monday, 2 September 2019, 5:36 PM